Our First Blog Post

Welcome to our blog!

This is the first of a series of posts about our performances and more. Our blog is where we’ll share upcoming events, duo highlights and happenings, and thoughts about the history and repertoire for the ensemble with an eye on the variety and beauty of this dynamic chamber ensemble.

What we have done on November 25 and 30, 2023

As part of Aurora’s Small Business Saturday event on November 25, we were able to play for several hours at Espressions, Coffee & Community. We had a great time playing lots of music, and Lindsay was pretty impressed with the vegan friendly menu options!

Included were holiday tunes with some arranged by Antonio, including an updated version for our Duo of Jingle Bell Rock initially written for his youngest son on cello, and some of our favorites for the more casual setting, such as Eduardo Martin’s Suite Habana and Maximo Diego Pujol’s Dos Aires Candomberos. We were able to play many of the same selections in Lincoln just days later for the annual Holiday of Trees event at Westminster, hosted by the Heritage League. We’re always grateful to share our music and support our community.

La Dolce Vita Duo at Espressions, Coffee & Community

Thanks to Lawrence Molczyk for stopping into Espressions and making this lovely video for us! It was just the push we needed to add this blog to our site and join social media. You can now find us on Facebook!

La Dolce Vita Duo at the Holiday of Trees

What’s next

Our next event will be at the Nebraska State Capitol building on December 16 at 3 p.m..

— La Dolce Vita Duo


Video clip

Published on 2023-12-16